Most of us are battened down in self isolation or home quarantine so we reached out to our team of SOS ambassadors to ask them to bring you a week of workouts that will get you sweating!
The routines are all designed for beginners and to be completed within an hour as you are all busier than ever with the family, trying to work from home, or working on your marathon Netflix binge watching.
We will be covering a new sport each day: Running, Cycling, HIT workouts, indoor Spartan and Yoga.
I want to say a massive thanks to our trusty guides for the week ahead and for them taking the time to share their insights. Please give them a follow.
First up will be Dan Fitzgerald (@coachdanbos) cofounder of Heartbreak Hill Running Company. A series of stores with an awesome running community that give it just the best beat and sole ... it’s also my adopted USA run club and SOS favourite specialty store in US. Coach Dan’s favourite SOS is Citrus.
Once we have you moving, its time to get those abs, arms, bum and legs in shape with, now retired, Sean Bartram. His books still fly off the shelf (Click link here to learn more) and I had the pleasure of partaking in few workouts with him. I was a physical wreck but a happy one at the end. A berry favourite is the go to for our Sean.
Then it’s (if you can) onto the open road and if not it’s to the trainer we go for some key bike workouts with IronMan 70.3 Champion Tim Rea (@timrea). His workouts are going to give you a bit of a spin of both the lungs and the legs to you get those quads, calf’s and lungs pumping. Being an Aussie and a local now to Florida watermelon keeps Tim on the long and winding road at full gas.
Next up will be our UK partners Spartan (@spartanraceuk) who will be providing some fun exercises. Don’t worry it won’t involve jumping through fire or pulling a tire, but it will push some limits.. They enjoy mixing their flavours of SOS to get new varieties.
Finally, the baton is handed to our resident yogi super star Heidi Kristoffer (@heidikristoffer) who I credit for getting me back into the pastime that is the foundation to all else I do. Mango is never too far from Heidi’s yoga mat.
I hope you enjoy the workouts. To get the most I would mix all of them up, so you have a day of running, a day of HIT and so on. Don’t forget to rest. You don’t want to over train and remember workouts are there to be a bit of light relief!
Feel free to ask any questions as we go through and of course in all of this stay safe, have fun where you can and stay hydrated.